Frequently Asked Questions

Here, we answer all your questions about volunteering abroad with Voltour

We are looking forward to helping you out. However, before reaching out to contact us please check the below list of most frequently asked questions. This will give us more time to answer specifics and it saves you time waiting for our reply.


During registration you will be required to submit a digital copy of your Passport (Front & Back), a passport size photo and Covid vaccination certificate.

It’s important that you speak and understand basic English for communication since no translators will be provided by Voltour.

You are expected to apply for the visa process by yourself which is a 30-40 days process, as such your registration should take this into consideration.

You should register for the program via the website.

The program duration varies with each program. The duration will be shown when applying for the program.

Covid Protocol

Yes. The Indian government requires you to be vaccinated to enter its borders.

Yes. You can apply for the program before your vaccine shot but keep in mind it will be impossible to enter on Indian ground unless you get vaccinated.

Yes. You should carry your vaccine related documents. We suggest that you also keep digital & physical copies of the above document in case of emergencies.

Yes. The Indian government requires you to be quarantined for 14 days after entering its grounds. We will provide you with a place to stay and will see to your daily needs.

Yes. You should carry extra masks, hand sanitizer and other supplies suggested by the government. This is to ensure that those around you as well as you will not be affected by covid.


No. Voltour will not provide the participants with an Indian visa. You are expected to apply for the visa by yourself. Please note that the visa application process takes 30- 40 days and as such your travel plans should take this into consideration. Keep in mind that the visa you're applying for is the i-Visa (internship visa).

Please note that duration of the visa period may differ with each respective country and thus you should ask your visa service provider about the duration.

  • You are expected to apply for the visa process by yourself which is a 30-40 days process, as such your registration should take this into consideration.
  • The passport must not have any damage.
  • You must be over 16 years old.
  • Your passport issued date must be within the last 15 years.
  • Your current name is seen in your current passport.
  • You should have obtained your last passport after or at 16 years old.


No. All payments before entering India is expected to be shouldered by the participants. Voltour will not pay for the ticket fees. However, Voltour will send you details regarding your stay and the programme which is important to apply for the visa.

No. voltour is not responsible any insurance and cannot be held accountable for any problems related to insurance policies. All insurances are the sole responsibility of the participants. Insurance or lack thereof doesn't concern Voltour, but we recommend that you get Insurance including

  • Light work: the cost of cancellation of the placement that you could do.
  • The cost of assistance including the repartitions in the event of accidents or illness.
  • Legal liability and expenses.
  • Lost baggage.
  • Medical expenses and other similar insurances to help provide you a better and safer travel experience.

Yes. After your arrival, Voltour will pay for your day-to-day travel that is in the program. You're expected to pay for your own transportation outside the program.

If you miss any event offered by Voltour then you will not be refunded for that said service. However, if the fault lies with Voltour or its representatives then you can detail this to the concerned authority, and we will proceed with adequate steps.

Voltour initiative is a volunteering service and as such there will be no pay unless explicitly mentioned in your contract. We seek to help others and highly value your efforts. As such, we believe that we can't put a price tag on helping.


You are advised not to engage in charity with the homeless. There has been a surge in begging rackets who target foreigners by exploiting their charitable nature.

Locations differ from program to program. We suggest preparing adequate research and that you bring enough essential medicines and other essentials like sunscreen, mosquito repellent patches and such to ensure a pleasant experience.

  • Volunteering can help you gain confidence by giving you the chance to try something new and build a real sense of achievement.
  • Make a difference. Volunteering can have a real and valuable positive affect on people, communities, and society in general.
  • Volunteering can help you meet different kinds of people and make new friends.
  • Be part of a community. Volunteering can help you feel part of something outside your friends and family.
  • Volunteering can help you learn new skills, gain experience and sometimes even qualifications.
  • Through volunteering you can challenge yourself to try something different, achieve personal goals, practice using your skills and discover hidden talents.
  • Have fun! Most volunteers have a great time, regardless of why they do it.

We understand that there might be some case of emergency where you might have to skip work but otherwise it's preferred that you do not do so. It's unethical to skip your duties as it may affect other volunteers and effectively neutralise the team effectiveness. This is a breach of contact and will not be taken lightly.

You can quit the program but Voltour will not take any responsibility for your actions and will not issue any refund. Your contract will be terminated, and we will take no responsibility for what you do from there on.


You're expected to bring all essential & prescribed medicines, and toiletries when visiting. You should have a medical prescription from your doctor pertaining to your prescribed medicines and should follow community and airport guidelines when traveling with the medicines and other accessories.

Read the terms and conditions thoroughly, follow your governments and Indian governments regulations. If found that you have filled the form deceptively then the agreement between you and Voltour will be terminated immediately. Any immoral or unethical acts committed that endangers the company, it's participants or any other concerned person will also result in immediate agreement termination.

It's a good idea to get Travel insurance when traveling to a different country since one might encounter any unseen complication. All participants are expected to apply and maintain their insurance policies by themselves and Voltour cannot be held accountable for breaking these contracts. Voltour doesn't accept any liability nor responsibility regarding the insurance.

It is advised that you visit your doctor and consult with him regarding your health before and after this volunteering program. Participants on medication SHOULD consult with their doctor and must have medication necessary for the duration of their stay along with medical prescription for said medications.

This differs from country to country, and you should follow the instructions and get the vaccinations requested by the country you’re visiting. Doing so will ensure a smoother travel experience.


You can choose to stay even after the program has ended. If your accommodation has vacancy, then you can continue your stay there, but you will be expected to pay for all your daily necessities and accommodation cost.

The food will be mainly basic Indian cuisine. We sincerely encourage you to try them to have a full experience of this venture.

You absolutely MUST inform the concerned authorities about any allergies you might have. Indian cuisine is highly versatile and uses many ingredients at times and as such it's very hard to keep up with it. For your safety and a better experience, we suggest that you inform us about any such conditions prior to the journey and also to the concerned authority at the time of volunteering.