Terms and conditions

Please read carefully for participating in the volunteering program offer by Voltour. By submitting your Online Registration Form and email communication by Voltour, you confirm that you acknowledge and accept the following terms and conditions.

  1. You confirm that you have read all of the information available on our website about the aim of the project, activities, accommodation, costs, terms of participation and you understand and accept the nature of volunteering program.
  2. You agree that you respect the policies of the community and the rules of the host family in which you are staying – if you’re going outside to visit the area by yourself you will be come back every day before 10:00pm IST , you will respect your host family members and the accommodation & pay for any damage you may cause, you will not use any alcohol or smoke in your accommodation. In case you arrive earlier or like to stay after the completion of your program you may be accommodated on additional cost if the place is available. Each individual will get their private room. If you choose to leave for a weekend or holiday during your placement, you will not receive any refund for any service which we provide you.
  3. The accommodation and meals provided at the house will be basic.
  4. Voltour provide transportation facility to the volunteers for every day project transportation and weekend sightseeing tours. Volunteers need to pay extra direct to the taxi driver if they wish to go somewhere for their own personal interest.
  5. All our volunteer programs have everyday attendance.
  6. By agreeing to the terms and conditions you agree that Voltour can use your photos, videos and written feedback from the project to post on its website or in any other web domains for the promotion of volunteer programs.
  7. You should hold a valid passport/visa for the entire duration of your travel. You will have to obtain an Indian visa on your own to entry into the country. Voltour will not be responsible in any case if you do not carefully read & follow visa rules and apply for appropriate visa.
  8. Please consult your doctor to see what vaccinations you need before coming here.
  9. Insurance and Liability – The program fees do not cover any insurance and liability of you. It is your sole responsibility to arrange for such insurance and liability coverage in such amounts as you deem adequate or necessary. You may need during the project coverage for: light work; the cost of cancellation of the placement that you could do; the cost of assistance including repatriation in the event of accident or illness; legal liability and expenses; lost baggage; medical expenses; kidnapping; death, liability arising due to personal injury. You are also solely responsible for maintaining any necessary insurance documents with you as may be needed to prove any insurance coverage available to you. The organization do not take any responsibility for any kind of accident/disease – Attack by elephants or any street animals with you while working/staying in the program. We will not be liable for any damages resulting from your failure to buy appropriate insurance.
  10. Voltour will not be responsible for your any kind of Lost/Theft of money, baggage and personal things during the program. Please take care of your things by your own at the accommodation and project site Organization will not pay for your any lost or theft.

Immediate Termination of Agreement by Voltour

  1. If Voltour discovers that you are involved in any illegal activities or convicted of any criminal activities before or during the project period. We cannot admit you in the program and will be immediately terminated.
  2. The rooms are shared by the volunteers with the same gender, group, which are doing the program with you. If you don’t shared your room with other volunteer you will terminate from the program on immediate basis.
  3. If it is discovered that you are endangering the organization you will be terminated on immediately.
  4. If it is found that your behavior is threatening or unacceptable to the society or anyone involved with the project based on the judgment of the project staff and/or program coordinator.
  5. Any information provided by you to Voltour at the time of enrollment is found to be incorrect or false information about your medical or mental health conditions.
  6. If it is found that you are using drugs or intoxicating material during the course of the project.
  7. If you are found to be engaged in sexual behavior while you stay in the volunteers’. If we find that you are not following the rules regulations & terms condition of the volunteering program.
  8. You must need to respect & understand that you are working in a developing country.
  9. If you are found to disrespect the image of the organization facilities getting in host country and making propaganda against the organization.
  10. In case the agreement is terminated due to volunteers’ involvement in any of the above activities, he/they will not be entitled to work anymore for Voltour.